Cuba Spanish Tour in Soroa


Cuba Spanish Tour , Soroa

Cuba Spanish Tour, Soroa


Cuba Spanish Tour are excursions to different places of our country that are interesting because of their cultural, historical, natural or social values. In this way, our students in Cuba interact with the rural life of the country and enjoy the beautiful Cuban countryside.

With Cuba Spanish Tour we visited the Soroa Orchid Botanical Garden, an orchid garden of about 35,000 m² with more than 20,000 specimens, located to the West of the city of Havana within the territory of the Sierra del Rosario Biosphere Reserve, province of Artemisa. The garden was created in 1943 by an attorney of Canarian origin, a member of the Cuban Orchid Society affiliated with the American Orchid Society and the Eastern Orchid Congress.

In the last years of the twentieth century, it has become a center of experimentation that is managed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba.

Through Cuba Spanish Tour we could find orchids arranged on tree trunks as they can be seen in their natural surroundings, or in umbrellas, protected from the excess of sunlight and air, with 130 species of Cuban orchids, as well as 700 species of other parts of the world.

In the Orchid Garden of Soroa detailed studies of each specimen are made and studies are carried out to accelerate its propagation, through the cultivation of tissue “in vitro” and reintroduction in its natural environment.

Here also new varieties are obtained by crosses and all these activities are used as teaching classroom for the training of new forest specialists. The center has a complete library specialized in the species of the family Orchidaceae.

Cuba Spanish Tour in Soroa

Cuba Spanish Tour in Soroa